Madness Calls It Forth - Designs for TPK Roleplay
Madness Calls It Forth is a monthly Noir-Style Tabletop Roleplaying campaign streamed by TPK Roleplay. Based on "Nights of Payne Town" by Son of Oak Studio, the series is dark, dangerous, and filled with riddles and overarching mysteries. I wanted to create a Cork Board covered in red string as an homage to those kinds of murder mystery/conspiracy theory stories. With character art by @MeltheHoneyBee evoking that brilliant Film Noir feel, I changed the overlay and promotional materials every episode to hint at the upcoming adventure.
As streamed TTRPGs can be particularly grueling to watch, I tried my best to make every episode as immersive for the audience as possible. QR codes, Business Cards with actual working telephone numbers, the Missing Person's posters with a link to the "Tip Line", even the website which lead to clues revealed throughout the broadcast to different levels of lore.
Check out the title sequence on my Videos page!
As streamed TTRPGs can be particularly grueling to watch, I tried my best to make every episode as immersive for the audience as possible. QR codes, Business Cards with actual working telephone numbers, the Missing Person's posters with a link to the "Tip Line", even the website which lead to clues revealed throughout the broadcast to different levels of lore.
Check out the title sequence on my Videos page!